The total production of Smelter and Refinery in Bor is sold in advance, said director Vladimir Janosevic.
“Copper, gold, silver, bluestone, and sulphuric acid, and everything else from the production program of non-ferrous metallurgy in Bor is sold practically even before it is produced. The market is hungry for our products, customers pay in advance for each product”, he stated.
According to him, 25,540 tons of cathode copper and 436 tons of bluestone have been produced since the beginning of the year.
Hence, as he stated, Copper Smelter and Refinery in Bor, which operates within the Mining and Smelting Combine Bor, is not concerned with problems that other Serbian companies face on daily basis.
It sells its complete production program of the main part in advance. Customers pay in advance, and often while the product is still being produced.
“We just have to constantly increase the production because we have customers and the market. The products are mainly for stock exchange and we do not have to negotiate about the price, to approve discounts and so on. It is known how much copper costs, and how much silver or gold.”
And sulphuric acid, which was once hard to sell, is easily sold today, says the director of the Smelter and Refinery.
According to him, advance sale includes selenium, platinum, palladium and bluestone, which is pretty much demanded and in fact, due to limited capacity it cannot be produced in quantities that are in demand.
“For example, in May we have produced at least three and a half tons daily, and by the end of the month we will certainly reach 110 tons, maybe even more. Everything is sold in advance because it is about highest so called agricultural quality of bluestone that is much better sold than the industrial since it has no acid. Therefore, now we sample finished product on five, and not on 20 tons in order to dictate the quality,” said Janosevic.
He also adds that the amounts of silver iodide and silver nitrate produced in the salt factory of precious metals are pre-contracted, and that with the military industry, as a subcontractor, they have concluded a contract for the production of sintered plates for tanks.
Since the beginning of the year we have produced 25,540 tons of cathode copper and 436 tons of bluestone. 20 trucks of the highest quality copper will be delivered today to customers, while 18 trucks have been shipped to Poland from the facility for the production of copper sulphate, and four tons of bluestone to Jagodina. 3.2 tons of selenium will be delivered to Poland today,” says Janosevic.
Copper Smelter and Refinery is one of four subsidiary companies that operate within the Mining and Smelting Combine Bor. The company also includes the Copper Mines Bor, Copper Mine Majdanpek and the Parent Company.