The Subsidiaries of “Thermal Power Plants Nikola Tesla” company, consisting of 4 power plants, in August 2014th produced and delivered 904. 619. 000 kilowatt-hours of electricity to the power system, which is 20.02% less than planned.
With non-produced electricity due to the hot and cold reserve and secondary regulation (763.561.000 kWh) plan would be accomplished with 147.50%. In this month it was recorded a total of seven delays, including five in the TENT A and two in the TEM. The Thermal power plant A produced and delivered 458. 523. 000 kilowatt-hours of electricity to the power system, which is 17.68% less than planned. With non-produced electricity (312.307.000 kWh) suppressed due to the cold and hot reserve and secondary regulation, plan would be implemented with 138.39%. The unit was online A-5 during the whole month. The units A-1 and A-3 are under repair.
The Thermal power plant B produced 415. 028. 000 kWh in the same period, which is 23.43% lower than it was planned. If the repressed energy would be calculated (448.648.000 kWh) due to the hot and cold reserve, the plan would be accomplished with 159.35%. The unit B-1 has been in continuous operation during the month.
In Thermal power plant “Kolubara”, the first three units (A-1, A-2 and A-3) during August were at a standstill due to disturbances in the power system (force majeure due to flooding), while the unit A-5 is repaired. The Thermal power plant “Morava” produced and delivered 31.068.000 kilowatt-hours of electricity to the power system and realized plan with 97, 09%. The electricity suppressed due to the hot reserve at this plant amounts 2.606.000 kWh, by which the plan would be realized with 105.23%.
In the same period the rail transport transported 1,524,794 tons of coal for TENT A, TENT B and TEK which is 8.84% above plan. The TPP “Morava” transported 32,698 tons of coal from underground and open pit mines, so that the realization of the plan totals 65.40%. Specific consumption of liquid fuels in the Subsidiary TENT is 48.07% less than the norm, which amounts 1.59 g / kWh.