An additional 15 MW of power capacity has been added to the aggregate A5, and now the total installed power capacity of the upgraded aggregate stands at 205 MW, instead of previous 190 MW.
The commissioning ceremony of the revitalized aggregate A5 in the hydroelectric power plant “Djerdap 1” took place on 22 April. Alongside numerous contractors, representatives of the “Electric Power Industry of Serbia” and workers who participated, the ceremony was also attended by Vladimir Ilirionovič Stepančenko, sales manager of Power Machines OJSC (OAD “Silovije mašini”), and Russian specialists involved in the revitalization project.
The event marked the completion of the extensive work in revitalization of hydro-aggregate A5 which began on 12 November 2013. After a little more than 16 months, the A5 was connected to the network. An additional 15 MW of power capacity has been added to the aggregate A5, and now the total installed power capacity of the revitalized aggregate stands at 205 MW, instead of previous 190 MW. After completing the first half of the revitalization process, the HPP “Djerdap 1” has been boosted by an additional 45 MW, enabling increased energy production.
Prior to putting the hydro-aggregate into operation, a meeting between the representatives of “Electric Power Industry of Serbia” and HPP “Djerdap ” with Russian partners was held at which it was discussed how to overcome problems in the delivery of equipment and spare parts, as specified in the contract. In fact, OAD “Silovije mašini” was in delay in fulfilling contractual obligations in terms of deliveries, and it is still uncertain when the revitalization of the aggregate A1, which optimization is scheduled to take place next, will begin.
Sales manager Vladimir Ilirionovič Stepančenko, pledged that in the following period OAD “Silovije mašini ” would make effort to eliminate any delay, and even make up for the lost time during which preparation and revitalization of the equipment for the aggregate A1 should have taken place.
Director of HPP “Djerdap 1” Ljubisa Jokic pointed out that the main goal is to have the hydro power plant produce more than 4,858 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2015, ensure safe navigation through the ship locks and upkeep the stretch of coastal zone from the HPP “Djerdap 1” to Novi Sad. During this year the HPP “Djerdap 1” has produced 2.16 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, which is 33 percent more than planned.