Earlier in December, the Government adopted the restructuring plan of the company, which primarily entails the separation of activities of transportation and distribution of natural gas. These activities will be performed by Srbijagas’ subsidiaries Transportgas and Distribucijagas.Serbian Ministry of Energy and Mining said that it has formed a working group with the aim to monitor the implementation of the restructuring plan of gas company Srbijagas. Among other things, the plan envisages the transformation of this public enterprise into a joint stock company by 1 May 2021.
The implementation of the plan will create conditions for a stable and secure gas supply, as well as much more efficient and profitable operations of gas companies, which is also important for the infrastructural projects that are being realized. This is also an obligation taken by siging the Energy Community Treaty. The Energy Community has already expressed dissatisfaction with Serbia’s failure to implement the obligations taken in 2016 and proposes sanction if Serbia continues to delay their implementation.