Productive plans realized and surpassed HPP „Djerdap 1”, „HPP of Vlasina”, HPP „Pirot”. Because of high waters the lower production is only in HPP„Djerdap 2”
The high water levels of the Danube during the first six months enabled to HPP “Djerdap 1”, Serbia biggest hydroelectric power plant, to realize and even surpass the six-month plan for a 1.5 percent. And it is a total of 3.39 billion kilowatt-hours, which is 64 percent of the total production plan for this year.
According to Milos Martinovic, a leading technician energizer in Dispatcher service, because of the abundant hydrological spring months, a run- of – river hydro power plants have higher monthly plans in the first half of the year. And as a rule, whenever HPP „Djerdap 1” realized a plan for the first six months, it is followed by overshoot of the total annual plan. And this year hydrologically was extremely rich, even more than it would suit to the utility companies, especially on the HPP “Djerdap 2”. Danube flows often exceeded 9,000 and 10,000 cubic meters of water per second, so in order to prevent flooding in coastal areas, both hydroelectric power plants were forced to flows over the part of the water, and to dragg down its elevation reservoirs. Therefore, the strength was lost, or the production. Fortunately, on the HPP “Djerdap 1”, the largest member and the backbone of PC, less than on the second Danube hydro power plant.
The overflow with reduced production compared with potential, began 14. March, and it was dragged, with short interruptions, until 15. May, but it was continued 12. June because of the flood wave arrival from the upper Danube. Fortunately, it took only ten days, and the HPP “Djerdap 1” succeeded in the third week of June to increase daily production income from 17 to 19 million kWh.
This contributed to the overall half-year profit of nearly 3.4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. In that way was offset “a lack ” of HPP” Djerdap 2” in the overall PC balance, which records the fulfillment of the production plan for six months from 4.34 billion kilowatt-hours by 100 percent, or 60 percent of the overall plan for the 2013. year.
The aforementioned production balance in PC„ HPP Djerdap ” would be better if „Djerdap 2” ,because of reduced fall, was not produced less energy with regard to plan and production capabilities. Last year, this HPP was the only one of all run- of – river hydro power plants in Serbia and the region that competed and exceeded production plan, because the Danube flows below 8,000 cubic meters of water per second were adequate. This year,it is the only one in the PC „HPP Djerdap”, that due to high water, recorded lower production than planned, and for 11 percent.
The other two companies of the PC „HPP Djerdap”, „HPP of Vlasina” and HPP „Pirot” peak energy producers, record good work and successful production in the first six months.
„HPP of Vlasina” , according to Mitko Stankov, director of Exploitation service, instead of the planned 48 million kWh of electricity in the first six months produced 74 and a large part in the so-called overflow. In fact, water flows were used for reservoirs “Vrla 2, 3, and 4” with less use of Vlasina water reservoir. This allowed the rapid filling of the Vlasina lake, which was significantly vacuously over the winter. Now, in the second half of this year, it “enter” with more than 150 million kilowatt-hours of peak energy in reserve. Currently that number compared with planned is higher for three percent, with good chances to be increased, considering the favorable hydrology and good work of PAP “Lisina”, which for the first six months over pumped 45 instead of planned 40 million cubic meters of water. In fact, over pumped everything what was possible, and it is ready to proceed with such work until 1 October, when according to the plan, will begin 25 days of repair.
Source: EPS/Serbia Energy