The Draft strategy for the development of electric power in Serbia until 2025, with projections to 203o, foresees that thermal energy capacities of power below 300 MW will be stopped. Units in question are TENT A1 and A2, TPP “Kostolac A” and TPP “Morava”, “Kolubara, Panonske PPs, which are of average age of 45 years.
“Successive withdrawal of these blocks is scheduled for the period from 2018 until 2024, and their operation during this period will be provided and defined by the National Plan on emissions reduction or other flexible mechanisms, which are planned by Directive on large combustion plants (LCP Directive), ” it is stated in this Strategy document. Bearing in mind that blocks A1 and A2 in Kostolac are providing heating for Pozarevac, Kostolac and surrounding settlements, so a question about innovation on revitalization project for block A2 is being imposed, said Radovan Bogdanovic, director of the TPP”Kostolac A”.
-The strategic plan on the development of electric power in Serbia proposes withdrawal from the use of blocks A1 and A2 in the years ahead. According to the plan, the block A1 would be stopped in 2022, while the block A2 would be withdrawn from the electricity grid in 2024. Our country is committed by signing the Large Combustion Plants Directive (LCP Directive) to limit the operation of the power plants that do not have systems for flue gas desulphurization at 20.000 hours of operation, from 2018 until 2024. This fact imposes defining of the future status of the blocks A1 and A2, since the Draft strategy for the development of electric power industry until 2015 didn’t provide the way of heating in Pozarevac and Kostolac. Our attitude is that we should once again raise the issue of revitalization of the blocks A2 and thus provide a reliable source of district heating in that area.
The revitalization of the block A2 a few years ago was planned by Business Entity “TPP – Kostolac” and if the necessary financial resources have been provided, this complex technical operation could be accomplished:- Besides the extension of the block A2 life, for the next 15 years, it is possible to raise its strength and energy efficiency. Preliminary design for the revitalization of the block A2 was made in 2011, indicating that the extension of the life of the thermal capacities of 100.000 hours and an increase in power to 225 megawatts, with accompanying installation of facilities for flue gas desulphurization and denitrification should provide about 100 million euros. It is a big investment for which is necessary wider social consensus as well as feasibility study that would take into account the importance of the block in terms of district heating in the future.
Source; Serbia Energy