Austrian “SEE Offices” offers unique, modern conference venue on the 19th floor of Ušće Business Center with a magnificent view of the mostattractive part of the city. This is a new venue for companies and institutions in need of conference venues in Belgrade.
The “SEE Offices” companyis offeringits, mainly foreign, clients andother interested parties comfortablebusiness room suitable for trainingevents, various types of conferences,and meetings in exceptional surroundings.
Konstantin Von Varendorff, sinceMay this year the new General of SEEBusiness Embassies says that this venueinclude three multifunctional conferencerooms seating a total of 75people.
Organizers and participants are providedwith a comprehensive infrastructurewith state-of-art technical equipment.Mr. Varendorff said that SEEConferenceRooms are most suitablefor board meetings, various trainingprograms, workshops, educations, salespresentations and also team building.
In collaboration with the Delegationof German Economy in Serbia recentlythe venue has hosted a large HRworking group of German-Serbian BusinessAssociation (DSW), whose memberis SEE Business Embassies.
The SEE Offices is a joint venture enterpriseof two Austrian companies, thebusiness centre leader in Austria, BenaGroup, and the consultancy firm,EcovisConFidas, providing financialconsultancy services in the region ofSoutheast Europe.
Alexander Samonig, General Managerof EcovisConFidas said that the first of several prospectiveSEE Offices business centresopened in November 2012.
“Our offer is definitely unique for foreigninvestors on this market becausein addition to the possibility of rentingfully equipped modern facilitiesand designed offices with full secretarialsupport, we also provide virtualoffice management services.Our comprehensive package of servicesoffered to foreign investors alsoincludes full law office support, whichis extremely important for them”, saidMr. Samonig.
In addition to a spectacular view ofBelgrade,the Conference Centre, hesays, is a modern facility offering anotheradvantage – the cocktail after theconference can take place on the 25thfloor of Ušće Business Centre, whichhas a part reserved for smokers.