Municipalities all over Serbia, that have small rivers on their teritorry, can expect the immediate start of construction of mini-hydropower plants that “will sprout” on 213 locations in the country. Ministry of Energy announced final ranking list of investors who have applied to the ministry public call for the construction of small HPPs, and 91 investors are qualified, of whom 27 from abroad.
The signing of trilateral memorandum between investors, ministries and local governments is expected in the first half of July.
“No wonder there is such a positive reaction of investors, because the area of renewable energy sources in Serbia is fully arranged, the legal framework is completed which allows investments,” explained Deputy Energy Minister, Dejan Trifunović.
“We have shown how important it is and why every area should be so arranged”, said Trifunović and added that the investors have responded to the first public call, and that there will be more.
The Ministry of Energy has brought a model contract between investors and the public supplier of buying up electricity from renewable energy sources, by which both sides will be equally protected, pointed out Trifunović.
This will also contribute to investment in the solar wind farms and biomass power plants, because for three months of this year more interested investors has been reported than in the past three years, added Trifunović.
Most of small HPPs will be built in the municipalities of Tutin, Ivanjica, Pirot, Arilje and Ljubovija.
Fierce competition for energy permits and approvals for the construction of 317 mini-hydro power plants in 17 municipalities in Serbia has been announced in February, and there have been entirely 1,464 entries.
It is expected that the mini-hydro power plants will be connected to the network in 2015. and 2016. year.