In August 2020 on the Slovenian energy exchange BSP Southpool, a total of 585,519 MWh of electricity was traded on the day-ahead market, which is a 0.9 % increase compared to the previous month, with an average of 18,888 MWh/day. Traded volume was 14.1 % lower compared to August 2019.
Average daily base price on day-ahead market in August amounted to 37.59 euros/MWh, which is a 6.7 % increase compared to June, while average euro-peak price reached 39.92 euros/MWh (+ 6.5 %). Regarding intraday auctions, a total of 127,817 MWh was traded on implicit intraday auction in August 2019, od which 94,091 on the continuous market (+ 4.4 %), with an average price of 45.14 euros/MWh (MI2) and 42.75 euros/MWh (MI6).