A report published by the Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat shows that all contracting parties which have coal in their energy mix are not in compliance with…
The entire work finished in short-term Works performed on facilities constantly in operation Overhaul work during this season at the TENT branch was standard on…
Coal of proven quality The stockyard is not only important because of the additional reserves, it also allows mixing of coal of lower calorific value with…
Director of the Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat Janez Kopac said that Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will have to introduce carbon dioxide emission fees for thermal power…
52 percent of Serbia’s total electricity is generated from coal originating from the Kolubara Mining Basin, while the acting director of EPS, Milorad Grcic, says Radljevo…
According to CEE Bankwatch, the results of an independent measurement of air quality in Stanari as of July this year show alarming hourly values of harmful…