The construction of the cross-border transmission line between Slovenia and Hungary DV 2×400 kV Cirkovce-Pince is in full swing. Transmission System operators from Slovenia (ELES) and…
Devastating earthquake caused numerous breakdowns in the electricity network and electricity production facilities, and that consumers in the area of Petrinja and Velika Gorica are without…
The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) said that an increase of capacity of Greece-Italy interconnection will be needed for an effective bridging…
Cyprus is the only EU member state without electricity grid interconnections. Greek and Cypriot Minister of Energy, Kostis Hatzidakis and Natasa Pilides discussed the development of…
The 80 kilometers long power line between Cirkovce near Ptuj and Pince on the border with Hungary will establish a link between the Hungarian and Slovenian…