In the third quarter of 2020 wholesale electricity prices in Greece were three times over the European average of 16 euros/MWh. According to the European Commission’s…
In December 2020, the average price of electricity on day-ahead market of the Romanian energy exchange OPCOM amounted to 58.37 euros/MWh, which is 42.77 % higher…
In December 2020 average electricity bill for households amounted to 38.48 euros, approximately the same as in December last year (38.6 euros) and 22.4 % higher…
In 2021 the purchase price of electricity from preferential producers will remain at the same as in the previous year – 0.07 euros/kWh, the Albanian Energy…
Due to the stopping of the operation of the hydropower plants, ESM compensated the lack of the required amount of electricity via imports. In November, 3…
The distribution fees charged by Electrica’s electricity distribution subsidiaries with values ranging from 2.8 % to 6.5 % as of 1 January 2021 eas increased by…
Starting 1 January 2021, Romanian electricity producer Hidroelectrica announced new electricity supply offer for household consumers, with lower prices following the full liberalization of the electricity…