Slovenian electricity transmission and distribution system operator ELES has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Siemens Energy, a leading global producer of energy equipment and…
In the first half of 2024, Slovenia experienced a 3.3% decrease in electricity consumption compared to the same period last year, according to ELES, the Slovenian…
In the first three days of May, Slovenia met most of its electricity demand with energy produced from renewable sources, while on May 4, more electricity…
The Croatian Dalekovod company has reported on the contracts it has concluded for the construction of a transmission line in Slovenia and a transformer station in…
Greek transmission system operator IPTO has submitted a Green Aegean grid interconnection plan, envisaged to run from Greece to Germany’s south, to the ten-year development plan of ENTSO-E, promoting…
The Slovenian Government gave green light to the merger of the distribution system operator SODO with the transmission system operator ELES. As the sole partner of ELES,…
Slovenian electricity transmission system operator ELES investigates future investments and operational measures to reduce losses due to their indirect impact on company revenues. Actions to minimize…
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided a revolving loan for 25 million euros to state-owned electricity transmission system operator ELES. The…
Slovenian electricity transmission system operator ELES has invited all interested parties to submit an application for their participation in the public auction for the purchase of…