Energy Agency of Serbia has prepared the proposal of the Rules about change of supplier for electricity and natural gas, and submitted it for public consultations. Simple, efficient and for all customers free procedure of change of supplier for electricity and natural gas, will be established by these rules.
They are defined in accordance with Law on energy and obligations that our country has in this field, because of signing the Agreement about establishing the Energy Community, having in mind good practice of EU countries where energy market is operating.
All buyers of electricity and natural gas in Serbia, except households, and now has the right to chose and to change the supplier in free market.
By law, it is determined that buyers of electricity and natural gas that are connected to transmission network, actually to transport system, from January 1st, 2013, will not have the right on public supply (supply on the basis of regulated prices), and that they should chose the supplier in free market till that date. From January 2014, the rest of electricity buyers will be in the same position, while on the buyers of natural gas it will be applied from January 2015, except households.
From January 2015., households will be able to change supllier, but if they want, they will be allowed to stay in public supply regime, on the basis of regulated prices.
The text of Rules about change of supplier can be seen on the web site of Agency