Power Distribution Operator OSHEE announced the cancellation of the procedure of purchasing electricity to cover losses from unregulated market (import or domestic private manufacturers) for the period 21-31 March 2015.
OSHEE reported that as a result of hydrology, stormwater expected and the current level in the lake level of HEC Fierza , Energy company KESH manages to ensure the fulfillment of the request for tariff customers and losses in the period 21-31 March 2015 at 270 MWh in band profile (from 00:00 – 24:00). Reference price on which the KESH will sell OSHEE energy is energy price on the Stock Exchange of Hungary.
In these circumstances, the Department of Energy Trading, Company Administrator proposed cancellation of the procedure of purchasing electricity to cover losses from unregulated market (import or domestic private manufacturers) for the period 21-31 March 2015, the company announced.
Losses for the period 21-31 March 2015, will be met by the production company KESH in accordance with the conditions specified in the agreement between KESH and OSHEE JSC on “supplier and sell electricity purchase between KESH sh. a and OSHEEE JSC for electricity surpluses, including surpluses in terms of high flows, order fulfillment and distribution network losses for 2015 ”
Market model allows OSHEE not to cover production losses through the KESH. But the decision on 6 February this year, the Board of Commissioners of ERE on purchase of electricity between KESH and OSHEEE JSC for electricity surpluses, including surpluses in terms of high flows, order fulfillment and distribution network losses for 2015 “.
Operator Electricity Distribution, OSHEE, canceled the tender for the period of 11 to 20 March 2015 as the Albanian Power Corporation KESH agreed to sell directly to the 270 MWh during this period with the reference price reported by stockmarket Hungary.