The Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Srpska (RS) said that it has signed a 30-year concession contract worth some 8.9 million euros with local company V&Z Zastita for the construction of a 10 MW solar power plant near Bileca.
The future solar power plant will have an annual electricity generation of some 16.5 GWh and its construction should be completed within two years. The tender for awarding the concession was launched in July this year.
In July 2020, RS Ministry of Energy and Mining signed a concession agreement on the construction of solar power plant near Bileca with EFT International Investments Holding. The tender for awarding concession for the construction of this 60 MW solar power plant was launched in early March and in May the concession was awarded to EFT. The concessionaire will have to pay a one-time fee of 357,000 euros and 0.28 eurocents/kWh produced by the plant, translating to 2.8 euros/MWh. RS Government estimated the investment at 35.7 million euros. The expected annual output of the plant is up to 100 GWh. The concession is awarded for the period of 50 years.
Last month, the Ministry signed two concession agreements for the construction of a wind farm and a solar power plant near Bileca with local company B&B Sunce Vjetar. The company will build solar power plant Planik with installed capacity of 80 MW and expected annual electricity generation of 106 GWh. The cost of the project is estimated to 69.7 million euros. Wind farm Planik will have an installed capacity of 39.6 MW and expected annual electricity generation of 93.2 GWh. The cost of this project is estimated to 51.7 million euros.