Westinghouse Electric Company said that it has signed a contract with Bulgarian nuclear power plant Kozloduy to migrate the current Ovation platform-based information and control systems at the plant’s units 5 and 6 to its latest standard.
The statement from the company said that the migration to the latest Ovation platform will include the integration of a Safety Parameter Display System, Emergency Operator Procedures (EOP) and partial modernization of the Full-Scope Simulator. Westinghouse has implemented the Ovation platform at NPP Kozloduy for more than 15 years. The company is committed to maintain the Ovation platform at NPP Kozloduy’s only operating units 5 and 6 for a further 30 years, supporting plant’s plans to operate the two units at least until 2049.
Last November, NPP Kozloduy said that it has invited US Westinghouse Electric Company to perform an upgrade of the plant’s information and control systems for an estimated 32.7 million euros. The company is inviting Westinghouse to do the job without launching a public procurement procedure as the company is exclusive and sole supplier of products and solutions of Ovation platform for nuclear power plants worldwide. Originally, NPP Kozloduy had six reactors, but four older 440 MW reactors were shut down in 2007 due to nuclear safety concern of the European Union. The plant currently operates two Soviet-built 1,000 MW reactors, unit 5 and unit 6 which were commissioned in 1987 and 1991 respectively.