In early November, the Regulation on fees for the promotion of renewable energy sources and cogeneration comes into force. All electricity suppliers collect this fee and pass it on to HROTE. Given that the amount of compensation regulation is increased from 0.5 to 3.5 lipas per kWh, the monthly cost of electricity for Customer class household with average consumption of 3,100 kWh per year will be increased by approximately 8 kunas per month from 1 November.
HEP ODS has announced that, in accordance with the General Conditions of Electricity Supply, will for every customer estimate the amount of electricity supplied until and after the date of change of the amount of Fee, and in the following calculation they will apply the appropriate amount of compensation.
HEP ODS will use in assessment procedure also readings provided by customers in early October, when the price of electricity was reduced. Customers who want to, they can read themselves their electricity consumption, and submit the meter reading of 1 November 2013 to HEP ODS, until 10 November 2013. Based on the estimated state and submitted reading of the meter, HEP ODS will distinguish spending, which will be evident for customers in the next regular billing, where they will not receive a replacement payment slip.
Source; Serbia Energy See desk