The average baseload electricity price on the Hungarian day-ahead market in December 2022 increased by 15% compared to the previous month, to 261.15 euros per MWh, from 222.74 euros per MWh in November, according to the operator’s monthly report stock exchange HUPX.
The price for peak load increased by 21% in the same period, from 260.45 euros per MWh to 315.83 euros per MWh.
The total volume of trade on DAM in December decreased by 14% compared to November, from 2.255 million MWh to 1.944 million MWh. The average daily trade volume decreased by 17% in December, from 75,172 MWh to 62,713 MWh.
The intraday market trading volume decreased by 18% on a monthly basis, from 396,326 MWh to 326,055 MWh.
The hourly price and the quarterly price increased by 16% in December, to 268.12 euros per MWh and 253.54 euros per MWh, respectively. The block price has increased by 10%, to 289.91 euros per MWh, according to HUPX’s monthly report.