Public Invitation for interested investors, that wish to get locations for building small HPPs is prepared – Starting from June next year, the investors are going to be able to obtain all the licenses in the Ministry of Energy. – Reduction in tariffs for wind and solar energy.
It is realistic to expect that Serbia until the year 2020, is going to get 27% of total energy from the renewable sources – said Zorana Mihajlović, the Minster of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection, at the presentation of the new package of measures and plans in the field of using renewable sources.
Zorana Mihajlović pointed out that this is going to be realized thanks to the measures of the National action plan for using renewable energy sources, that above all envisages investing in biomass, small Hydro Power Plants, geothermal energy and solar and wind energy. For the realistic determination of feed-in tariffs, two world consultants are engaged, that should not be opposing sides but partners in this business. In order to use renewable energy sources as much as possible, Ms. Mihajlović said that this is about the change in Energy Law regarding revision of energy licenses etc. that the investor is obliged to do within three years following the issuing of the energy license.
Public Invitation is being prepared for all interested investors that wish to get the location for building small Hydro Power Plants, which is a news, and this is going to be over until the end of the year. Already in the beginning of the next year an auction regarding this Public Invitations is going to take place. She mentioned that beginning from June next year, the investors are going to be in the position to obtain all necessary licenses in one place within the Ministry of Energy.
Mr. Dejan Trifunović, assistant Minister of Energy, gave detail information on preparation of the Draft of the new incentives regulation in the field of using renewable energy sources. He specially referred to the Regulation on the terms for obtaining status of privileged electricity producer, Decree on Incentives for the production of electricity by using renewable energy sources, compensation fee for electricity production by using renewable energy sources and combination of electrical and heating energy as well as the distribution of funds regarding this matter. The topics also included the process of revision of the energy licenses, cooperation with the municipalities regarding announcing the free locations for building small HPPs , as well as details of planed measures and activities of the Ministry of Energy, development and Environmental Protection of Serbia regarding creating better environment for investing in the field of renewable energy sources during the next year.
National Action Plan for using the renewable energy sources envisages small decrease in feed-in tariffs for solar energy and suggested tariff is 16.25 -22.66 Eurocents per KWh, depending on the size of the solar power plant. The reason for the decrease is the drop in prices of the equipment for solar Power Plants of more than 40 % since 2008. The draft of the new supportive Regulative envisages the lower tariffs for the wind energy and that is 9.2 Eurocents per KWh, while for TPPs on geothermal energy feed-in tariff would be from 6,92-10,35 Eurocents. Supportive tariffs for small Hydro Power Plants of up to 1 MW were increased, and decreased for bigger HPPs on the existing infrastructure. Supportive tariffs for small HPPs are envisaged in the amount of 7.38-13.72 Eurocents per KWh. Feed-in tariff for biomass PPs of up to 5 MW is slightly decreased, and for those of 5 to 10 MW even more significantly. Subsides were also introduced for biomass PPs of the power higher than 10 MW. The amounts of tariffs are from 8.22-13.82 Eurocents. The prices for PPs on biogas are slightly decreased for the facilities of the capacity up to 0.2 MW and slightly increased for the PPs higher than 1 MW. Incentives for PPs on biogas of animal origin are also introduced. The amounts of tariffs for biogas PPs are 12.31-16.49 Eurocents. Unjustified gradation of waste PPs is revoked and special category of the combined coal fired PPs is introduced, in order to support highly efficient usage of the most important domestic energy resource.
Time frame without changes
The duration of feed-in tariffs is going to stay unchangeable for the next 12 years, but the total installed power is increased for wind energy for which it is possible to get the status of privileged producer on 500 MW. Total installed power of solar Power Plants that is going to be supported by tariffs is going to amount 4 MW for solar Power Plants on the facilities, and 6 MW for the solar Power Plants built on the ground.
Source; Kwh/Serbia Energy