In the six counties where it operates – Moldova (Bacau, Botosani, Iasi, Neamt, Suceava and Vaslui), Romanian natural gas and electricity distributor Delgaz Grid, a subsidiary of German company E.ON, has invested more than 680 million euros since 2005 in the modernization of the electricity distribution system. One of the company’s priorities is to automate the electricity distribution infrastructure by installing remote-controlled equipment in stations and transformation units, in medium voltage networks and integrating them into SCADA (data acquisition, remote control and control).
Of the 134 transformer stations that the company operates, 122 have been modernized and integrated (totally or partially) into SCADA. At the end of last year, a program of about 2.5 million euros was completed, running for two years, which aimed at modernizing and integrating 13 transformation stations in SCADA. General Manager of Delgaz Grid Csulak Ferenc said that the results of the investments are visible, the quality of the electricity distribution service, especially ensuring the continuity of the service, has been permanently improved. This year the company has allocated a record investment budget for the electricity segment of almost 89 million euros, 38 % more than in the previous year.
By the end of 2020, about 327,000 smart meters have already been installed in consumers in over 750 localities in Moldova, through successive investment programs. Most units were installed in Bacau and Neamt counties, where about 64 % and 44 % of customers, respectively, benefit from smart metering.
For the period 2021-2028, the company’s goal is to install another 387,000 meters. This means that over 700,000 customers representing 45 % of the total customers connected to the company’s electricity network will have smart meters installed by the end of 2028.