Romanian energy companies are attractive for private investors and capital market thru stock exchange listings. In the same time these companies are influenced by climate changes processes.
Although the evolution of energy companies listed on the exchange is good, the stock market in Romania is not safe, stated Aurora Negrut director in the Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business.
Mrs. Negruţ noted that, especially in the first part of the stock when they were awarded dividends, capital market have been fluctuating.
Nuclearelectrica, Romgaz and Electrica raised the interest of investors in the capital market markets, in some cases recorded over-subscription and five times
The representative of the ministry stressed that following the listing of the industry, minority shareholders had the opportunity to propose competent persons in leadership and some companies achieved increases in financial results.
Aurora Negrut stressed that listing of energy companies on the stock market had as main objectives maximizing budget revenues, attracting investors to these companies, enabling private investors to participate in management, increase competitiveness of operational funding through the capital market and increasing the visibility of energy companies on the stock exchange. , transmits