French group Filasa controlled by Lacoste, two years ago announced investments in several wind farms in Romania. Despite its investment announcements for 400MW wind parks the company started to sell construction rights.
International Filasa officials said last year that works on 12 wind parks in Suceava County will continue, despite the delays. In the fall of 2011, the company announced an investment of 780 million euros in Suceava, reassessed one year later at one billion euros. Construction work would begin in September 2012.
Among the companies for which they requested the insolvency are Eolenvest, Power Trade Wind Energy, Wind Energy and Wind Energy Advance Tech Strategy Eolenvest taken in 2012. The three companies are having to plan construction in late 2013 or early 2014 three wind farms in the county of Braila, with a total capacity of 400 MW and an investment estimated at 800 million euro investment.
In March 2014 came the information that Filasa started procedures for selling rights of the project building Wind Farms Southeast, Braila, Buzau area.
Eolenvest International Filasa owned companies (70%), FIBUS (25%) and Sanafi (5%), controlled by the Lacoste family.