In Southeast Europe, spot prices rose significantly on Monday, May 29, compared to the previous day. However, the price remained below the threshold of 55 euros per MWh, except in Greece (88.39 euros per MWh).
In the SEE region, day-ahead prices on Monday are 47.9 euros per MWh in Slovenia, 48.5 euros per MWh in Croatia, 49.5 euros per MWh in Serbia and Hungary, and 54.8 euros per MWh in Bulgaria and Romania.
In other European countries, day-ahead prices on Monday range from 5.5 euros per MWh in Finland to 112.4 euros per MWh in Poland.
On Sunday, the day-ahead price in SEE was between 40 and 44 euros per MWh, except in Greece, which recorded 50.9 euros per MWh.