The Mine Rembas begins excavation in a new pit after several decades. Required production starts at the depth of 300m. The mine pays its rent fee ordinarily.
“Rembas” will get the new coal mine after several decades and trial production will begin in May this year. The pit “Ravna Reka – Blok 4”, where the opening of new high-calorie black coal sites estimated to 2 million EUR which is enough for exploitation in the next three decades, started at the beginning of 2008.
We expect that first layers of coal to be around 2 km from pit’s entrance on the depth of 300m will be reached by pitmen by the end of May when trial production shall start- Vladan Milosevic, Director of PC PEU “Resavica” where all underground mines are included in. The coal buyout will be increased steadily so it is uncertain how much coal will be provided with the new mine but they think about mining optimistically even without coal from the new pit in “Rembas”, because they see a large sustention only in the first results.
-The plan in PC “Resavica” where the production plan is 641.000 tons of good quality lignite is transferred for 16% and for 30% in Rembas- Director Milosevic says. –The new direction of this public company took a row of measures for production’s stabilization and increase. Work in pit is on the higher level now, because there are enough educated pitmen. Even 10 more interested people answered the announced advertisement for hiring the new people that will replace those who are retiring or live the job from another reason.
-We decreased expenses business expense. If the lack of delivered coal is determined, certain sanctions will be introduced- Director says. –Mines have entered legal financial flows for the first time after seven years. They pay VAT ordinarily. Fees on earnings are ordinarily being paid in municipalities where mines exist and they have already launched the program of interests’ write-off.
Director Vladan Milosevic stressed:
-If PC PEU “Resavica” became economically independent and stable, it is enough to open one more mine with annual production of million tons of coal.
Three coal layers have been discovered in so called “Despotovacka kaseta” on the locations “Cerje” and “Kosa Zabela”, beside discovered reservoirs of underground black gold near Petrovac na Mlavi.
-“Cerje” is the topical site for us. It is between Despotovac and Svilajnac where estimated reservoirs amount 4.250.000 tons and the coal layers in amount of 2.170.000 are the most appropriate for surface exploitation. Investor from the country or abroad should be found for discovering and exploitation of the site- Milosevic said.
TPP “Morava”
Two thirds of produced coal in “Rembas” is being delivered to TPP “Morava” at the moment and there was enough coal for coal during the heating season and for broad consumption. Investments are going to be arranged on the mine opening together with EPS i.e. TPP “Morava” in the future.
Source Serbia Energy/Novosti