Minister of Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, announced that contract model for electricity buyout will be adopted by the end of 10th June what will ease the process of investing in this area.
As she pointed, complete conditions for investments in area of renewable energy sources next to law regulatory frame which this ministry had worked on intensively.
“If there is a sector which is lawfully arranged at the moment, it is area of renewable energy sources”, Mihajlovic stressed .
Minister reminded that one of the priorities in energy sector of Serbia is use of renewable energy sources in order to increase system stability, enable new investments and employment and launch industry.
According to her words, Serbia would be able to produce 1.000 MW of electricity from biomass before all in the next two to three years.
Mihajlovic reminded that Government has adopted an action plan for use of renewable energy sources and more detailed plan is being worked at the moment.
She added that changes of energy law which were not detailed were adopted in December and detailed changes and additions that will be adopted on autumn are worked on at the moment.
Mihajlovic announced adoption of Strategy of Energy Development until the beginning of Jule the latest.
“Previous strategy of energy is adopted with 20 percent and therefore our request from the Ministry is that new strategy should be very real, to have several scenarios and to be based on good data and plan. Serbia has represented a guide for investors in areas of renewable energy sources for the first time”, Mihajlovic said.
Statutes for privileged prices of electricity have been adopted few months ago in accordance with EU directives and we have obligated Serbia to have around 27 percent of electricity produced from renewable energy sources until 2020 in its final consumption.
She stressed that state wants investors in this area but it has to be careful that they are financially stable and renowned and to protect its interests and available financial assets in this area.
Mihajlovic gave an example that Serbia has payoff of stimulating measures (feed-in-tariffs) to investors and it should provide around 550 million EUR until 2020 in order to satisfy them.
Source; MERZ/Serbia Energy