The natural reservoirs in Serbia have reserves of 14 million tons of oil and gas, but it is estimated that Serbia has “black gold” four times more. Oil stocks grow every year, but also the annual production. So we drew 650,000 tons from the land four years ago, and in 2014th – nearly twice more.
However, the state of Serbia “does not outburst” “black gold” directly in the money. All oil deposits held by Oil Industry of Serbia in the country and the world belong to Russian “Gazpromneft”. Our country, with the privatization of 51 percent of NIS, is entitled to only three percent of mining rents, by which it charges the extraction of natural treasures from their territory.
“Of the total 14 million tons of reserves, we cannot say how big the reserves of oil, gas and colic are, because before we take energy resources from the earth, we do not know in what we will convert them”, says Ljubinko Savic, Advisor of Energy Association in Serbia Chamber of Commerce. “The geological reserves, which are our long-term supplies, amount about 50 million tons. Although we have stocks by which we can supply ourselves, NIS, the majority owner determines where they will perform research and excavation. Different experts’ estimations go up to 170 million tons of undiscovered oil in our area, but the number of 50 million tons is confirmed”.
Serbia spends at least 2.2 million tons of oil, and from our soil is excavated about 1.1 million tons per year, not including what NIS excavates in Angola.
For now, the largest deposits are located in Vojvodina and Pozarevac depression, from Negotin across Central Serbia. Researches are done near Kraljevo, Pozarevac, Negotin, Jagodina and in the Macva region.
In order to exploit oil as sophisticated as possible, NIS has started the process of unique software procurement, which will improve energy exploration in the Pannonia Basin.
“Petromoud” is the ultimate software for numerical basin modeling” says Ivan Dulic, head of the Regional Geology Office in NIS Scientific-Technology Center. “They will have the first commercial application here, on the Balkan Peninsula. The value of investments in new software is more than 500,000 EUR. This is a strategic project of the first order. It should make the results of oil-geological studies much more successful and effective in providing an increase in the resource company base”.
This project will last two years, and modeling of the Pannonia Basin should be done on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of geological data collected from Serbia, Hungary, Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this way, the experts will be able also to determine what the most promising regions for NIS future oil and geological research are.
According to the list of “World fact book ” from 2013th, Serbia is on the 74th place on the proven oil reserves. The first three places occupy Saudi Arabia, Canada and Iraq, and from neighboring countries ahead of us are Romanians, who have seven times more oil than us. More proven reserves have Italians (about five times), Albania (about 2.5 times), and Croats are in one place ahead of us. Behind us are Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Greece.