Life Stone Capital company extended the contract on the lease of the mine Lece, owned by Miroslav Bogićević.
Thus this mysterious company from Dubai, which got the lease while Bogićević was detained due to initiated legal proceedings, and which has only one employee and the equity capital of one euro, will have the power to handle gold, lead and zinc from Lece in the coming year by decision of the bankruptcy warden and the bankruptcy judge.
Bogićević argues that “the mine was given to a phantom company that has only increased losses”.
“They did not pay for electricity, mining rent, or suppliers. Except for salaries, they fulfilled no other obligations and they tried to take the mine over illegally, through a new UPPR, which the court in Leskovac refused. Their proposal was to repay the debt to creditors only after ten years, which was unacceptable to the creditors. Nevertheless, a new lease agreement was signed, although it is obvious that this is not a company that has good intentions with the mine, “says Bogićević, transmits