Traded volume in October 2020 was 79.6 % higher than in the same month last year. This is also the highest monthly traded volume since the exchange’s launch in 2016.
A total of 311,732.7 MWh of electricity was traded on the day-ahead market on the Serbian energy exchange SEEPEX in October 2020, which is a 30.6 % increase compared to the previous month, with an average of 10,055.9 MWh/day.
Average daily base price on day-ahead market in October amounted to 39.34 euros/MWh, which is a 13.6 % decrease compared to September, while average euro-peak price reached 44.97 euros/MWh (- 9.3 %). SEEPEX was officially launched on 17 February 2016, with traded volume 1,925 MWh. It is jointly owned by Serbian electricity transmission system operator EMS and European Power Exchange (EPEX SPOT) with the idea to support the development of a competitive, transparent and reliable electricity market in Serbia and southeastern Europe and make a significant impact on the increase of trading volumes of electricity in the region.