Serbian Society for Wind Energy estimated that suggested decrease of buyback prices for wind energy will be delayed for two years, otherwise building of wind parks in Serbia should be stopped completely.
If Ministry of Energy feed-in-tariffs suggestion is accepted in its existing form, Serbia will lose billion euros of direct foreign investments in wind parks which are already prepared- it was said in Ministry of Energy report.
According to suggestion, wind energy electricity will be bought out at cost of 9,2 cent per kilowatt-hour, instead of present 9,5 cent, which is 3% decrease.
– Serbia is one of the most rare countries without wind parks and any further investment destimulation represents bad government policy and sands message that Serbia won’t be capable of meeting its earlier obligations and of ensuring 27% contribution of renewable sources, in its final consumption until 2020- was alleged in report.
That goal cannot be reached without big wind parks participation. Every other renewable sources and existing technology cannot be used to a great extent in Serbia.
In Sevea was alleged that suggested biomass kilowatt-hour price is 13,82 cent, which is 45% more expensive than wind energy.
If Serbia reach its goals in renewable sources consuming, especially through biomass instead of wind, consumers will have to pay that difference more than 150 million euros yearly-was said in report.
Sevea estimated that suggested feed-in-tariffs made wind parks look uneconomical and that they make people favor more expensive technologies was obviously politically motivated- added one of Ministry of Energy Counsels.
Serbian association for Wind Energy is corporation between domestic and foreign investors interested in investing more than billion euros in next three to six years.
Most investors are present in Serbia where they develop their projects since 2008. They have invested millions of euros in development of projects, which are now endangered by Ministry of Energy new suggestion- was alleged in this association’s report.
Source Serbia Energy Magazine