Traded volume on the Croatian electricity exchange CROPEX reached 824,201.5 MWh in January 2024, which is 9% less than in December (681,661 MWh was traded on…
The monthly average prices in December 2023 in the SEE markets were below €85/MWh, except in Greece and Italy. Compared to November, average prices decreased considerably…
Average electricity price on day-ahead market on the Serbian energy exchange SEEPEX in December 2023 amounted to 77.3 euros/MWh, 19.6% lower compared to November, while…
The average baseload price on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange in December 2023 amounted to 81.56 euros/ MWh, which is 21% lower…
The average daily base price on the day-ahead market on the Croatian energy exchange CROPEX in December amounted to 76.04 euros/MWh, 21% lower than in November.…
As for CO2 emission rights futures prices in the EEX market for the December reference contract, they increased in 2023 compared to the previous year. These…
The average electricity price on the day-ahead market of the Hungarian energy exchange HUPX reached 99.38 euros/MWh in November. That is 5% lower compared to October,…
Traded volume on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) in October 2023 reached 2,053,152.9 MWh, 4% less compared to the previous month.…
Trade volume on the day-ahead market on the Serbian energy exchange SEEPEX reached 394,118 MWh in October. That is a 12% increase compared to the previous…
Average base price on day-ahead market on SEEPEX in September 2023 amounted to 103.07 eurosMWh, which is a 7% increase compared to August, while average euro-peak…