The average price on the day-ahead market of the Hungarian energy exchange HUPX amounted to 65.08 euros/MWh in March, which is 6% lower compared to February…
Total trade volume on the day-ahead market of the Albanian electricity exchange amounted to 152 GWh in March. Of the total, 82.1 GWh of electricity was…
Traded volume on the day-ahead market on the Serbian energy exchange SEEPEX amounted to 408,222.2 MWh in March 2024, which is a 23.9% increase compared to…
Traded volume on the Croatian energy exchange CROPEX reached 794,649.7 MWh in March 2024, which is 0.3% less than in February (643,774.9 MWh was traded on the day ahead…
Traded volume on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) reached 2,476,457 MWh in March 2024, which is 5% more compared to the…
The average price of electricity on the day-ahead market of the Hungarian energy exchange HUPX reached 69.35 euros/MWh in February, 19% lower compared to the previous…
Traded volume on the day-ahead market of the Albanian electricity exchange ALPEX amounted to 110 GWh in February, which was the inaugural month of cross-zone Albania-Kosovo…
Traded volume on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) in February reached 2,365,587.3 MWh, which is 14.5% less compared to the previous…
Traded volume on the day-ahead market on the Serbian energy exchange SEEPEX in February 2024 amounted to 329,477.6 MWh, which is a 3% increase compared to…
Trade volume on the Croatian energy exchange CROPEX reached 797,252.2 MWh in February, which is around 3% less than in January (660,946.6 MWh on the day-ahead…