The wholesale market price of electricity in the 2nd quarter of 2016 rise by about 60 UAH per 1 MWh.
The price of coal for thermal power plants of Ukraine will be calculated based on the API2 index. Thus, the National Commission, carrying out state regulation in the areas of energy and utilities (NKREKU), has been able to calculate the forecasted wholesale market price (ORC) power for 2016, broken down by quarters.
The Commission has established projected wholesale market price of electricity at the second and fourth quarter of 2016, reported on the website NKREKU.
The forecast for the second quarter (May, June) – 1236.98 UAH per 1 MWh (without VAT). On the third – 1280.28 UAH per 1 MWh (without VAT). On the fourth – 1318.69 UAH per 1 MWh (without VAT).
In April 2016 the wholesale market price for electricity was set at the level of NKREKU 1178.08 UAH per 1 MWh (without VAT).
According to the commission, the previous mechanism of wholesale prices had a number of shortcomings: the lack of predictability of prices, the lack of correlation with energy prices and the premium / discount to international prices during 2000-2016 led to an artificial subsidy or underfunding industry.
Based on the calculations NRKEKU tariff for thermal generation was the only element in the calculation of non-regulated wholesale market price, transmits