FBiH Government has adopted two decisions on accepting debt of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Finance Contract between the European Investment Bank and Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Project “Electrical Distribution B& H – Construction of smart metering systems in the electrical utility” in the amount of 35 MEUR.
The adoption of these decisions creates the basis for the signing of the Subsidiary Agreement between BiH and FBiH, and then the Subsidiary Loan Agreement between FBiH and PE Electric Power Company of BiH j.s.c. Sarajevo and PE Electric Power Company HZ HB j.s.c. Mostar.
Based on the subcontract FBiH will forward loan funds to EP BiH (15 MEUR) and EP HZ HB (20 MEUR), as the ultimate borrowers and loan users.
Otherwise, the project involves the construction and reconstruction of substations in order to reduce technical losses of electricity and voltage improvement, reconstruction and construction of low-voltage network, the purchase and installation of charging electronic meters for households that have the possibility of remote reading of consumedelectricity, and remote disconnection and switching consumers.