Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the priority markets for GazpromNeft Oil Industry of Serbia (NIS) when it comes to the development of this company where Oil Refinery in Pancevo closeness contributes- Director of the block “Promet” in NIS, Aleksandar Mananjin explained.
NIS plans to invest around 45 million EUR (90 million of convertible marks)- it was said to journalists from BiH that were visiting NIS and Oil refinery in Pancevo during the last two days.
Malanjin stressed that NIS will have 28 “Gasprom” gas stations, next to 22 existing ones, in BiH by the end of the year. There will be 17 of them in Serbia, 50 in Romania and 40 in Bulgaria.
Melanjin announced that NIS in BiH will focus on cities where there are no services of this company and on places where network development of these gas stations is economically justified.
Source; Serbia Energy See desk