Traded volume on the Croatian electricity exchange CROPEX reached 824,201.5 MWh in January 2024, which is 9% less than in December (681,661 MWh was traded on the day ahead market and 142,540.5 MWh on the intraday market).
The traded volume in January was 2.5% higher compared to the same month last year.
The average price on the day-ahead market in January amounted to 83.98 euros/MWh, which is 10% higher than in the previous month, while the average euro-peak price reached 93.85 euros/MWh, 2% higher compared to the previous month.
The average price on the intraday market was 87.8 euros/MWh, 8% higher compared to December.
There are 30 participants on the CROPEX day-ahead market.