For the first time, GOs from biomass will be sold on auctions, along with wind GOs. Croatian energy exchange CROPEX and energy market operator HROTE announced guarantees of origin (GO) auctions for 16 March 2020 that will be organized for the production period January and February 2020.
Guarantees of origin for the electricity produced by the incentivized producers in January and February 2020 will be sold on CROPEX’s IT trading platform on 16 March 2020. Total of 296.348 guarantees of origin from wind and biomass production will be available for allocation.
Wind GOs will be organized as two separate auctions: one for GOs from the power plants with commissioning date from 1 April 2015 and one for GOs from power plants with older commissioning date.
Biomass GOs from the power plants with commissioning date from 1 April 2015 will be sold on one auction.