Croatia energy company HEP has reacted to the protest action of Greenpeace, Green Action and Green Istria who warned that air pollution causes premature death of about 17 people per year, which means that, with an expected lifetime of 40 years, “Plomin C” will statistically be responsible of 680 deaths. According to analysis made by Greenpeace, which HEP denied, “Plomin C” each year on average of 2,671 cause asthma and 36,163 cases of respiratory diseases, claim the Greens.
“A group of associations is leading a campaign against the project TPP Plomin C, in the absence of real arguments, morbidly intimidating the Croatian public for months, announcing a number of people who will be fatally injured or seriously ill due to the operation of TPP “Plomin C”. We emphasize that the method that was used in the calculations of Greenpeace is not applied anywhere for the study’s needs of the environmental impact for individual industrial facilities, not even for example in Denmark or Germany, countries with large capacity in coal power plants, and that these organizations prefer to refer to.
However, for the domestic public, a fact could be interesting, according to analysis of Greenpeace, how big will the impact of TPP Plomin C be at the local and national level. On that question their analysis does not have the answer. Environmental Impact Study was accepted by the Ministry, where a methodology developed under the project funded by the European Commission was used. The calculation showed, for example, that the harmful impact on the local level, will be only about one percent of the total impact (and because of the superior technology and “Plomin C” will be lower than the current from the location TPP “Plomin”).
Green Action and Green Istria are persistently silent about this fact. HZJZ Study “Epidemiological analysis of specific indicators of the health status of the population of the town of Labin and the municipality of Krsan, related to lstarska County, Croatia and other selected cities” (2011) has shown that there are no significant deviations of the health status of local residents regarding the potential exposure to air pollution compared to other Croatian cities.
By work termination of the first block, which will replace the block C, the emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides and particulates will be even less, with higher production of electricity, compared to the present level and significantly lower than the limit values specified by the Decree on the limitation of emissions of air pollutants from stationary sources and limit values based on the values determined by the EU directive on the protection of air quality and the standards of the World Health organization (WHO).
The level of environmental protection in “Plomin C” illustrates the fact that if all European power plants which have been working today at the facility at the level of technology and environmental protection measures, what will be implemented in the TPP “Plomin C”, emissions from power plants would be reduced on the Europe level ten times lower”, they said in HEP.
Source; Serbia Energy See Desk