Energy regulator HERA is considering complaints about the work of electricity suppliers at the market. HERA thinks that the process of liberalization is positive and that disputes happened elsewhere too.
At our request, about the market war for households between RWE Energy and HEP, the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) responded that they were aware of the dispute between participants in the electricity market and in accordance with their respective powers, they are checking the facts in order to make appropriate decisions.
At the end of last year, market suppliers were supplying around 170 thousand end customers, Croatian households, or about 8% of their total number. From mid-2013 to January 2016 HERA received 99 complaints by end customers about the operation of electricity suppliers, out of which 59 complaints, according to customers, were related to deceptive sales.
“According to the General Terms and Conditions for use of the grid and supply of electricity, which the Agency adopted last year, in Article 11, paragraph 6, point 1 stipulates that when bidding on electricity supply and signing the contract for the supply of end customer supplier and / or his representative impersonation and unauthorized use of another energy company entity is prohibited. If it is proved that the supplier has violated the General conditions, the Law on electricity market provides for sanctions against the supplier, which are to be implemented by HERA. Such cases of disputes between the dominant and the new participants in the electricity market were almost a rule in other European countries at the beginning of the opening of the market. We emphasize that, despite the controversies that occasionally occur among participants in the electricity market in the Republic of Croatia, the Agency considers that the liberalization of the electricity market led to prosperity for end customers primarily through the choice of suppliers, lower energy prices, but also in the increase of the quality of services by suppliers to their end customers, “said the HERA, transmits