According to new revisions proposed by the Greek Ministry of Energy, RES special account will be divided into two accounts in order to ensure new revenue sources and long-term remuneration protection for renewable energy producers. This is made possible by 202 million euros in support stemming from the Resilience and Recovery fund.
The new revenue source – Dynamic Renewable Charge (DRC) will be exclusively channeled into the new RES special account. Revenues generated by this surcharge will be paid by electricity suppliers (in proportion to their market shares) to RES market operator DAPEEP and then passed on to their customers
Regarding the old RES special account, existing revenue sources such as the ETMEAR surcharge included in electricity bills, as well as a green surcharge of 0.03 cents/liter on auto diesel fuel, will remain. In addition, the old RES special account will be offered protection through a formula balancing any fluctuations of the Public Service Compensation surcharge included in electricity bills and the ETMEAR surcharge.