European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has paid advances to the companies “ThyssenKrupp”, “Sandvik” and “Kopex” for the works related to the new ECS system of the OPM Field “C”
The Consultant for a part of the project “Improvement of environmental protection in Kolubara coal basin”, which is partly financed by the German Development Bank (KfW) with the amount of EUR 74 million, will be German consortium of RWE and MIBRAG. The news was confirmed to our paper by Mr. Vladimir Ivoš, who is the head of the Service for investments monitoring in the EPS department for strategy and investments, and a member on the team for supervising the project execution.
According to the contract that KfW signed with EPS and MB “Kolubara”, about which we reported earlier, the bank shall finance manufacturing and erection of the spreader that shall be operating on interburden at the OPM “Tamnava West Field” and the purchase of the Coal Quality Management System for the western part of the mining basin.
– Preparation of tender documents for the spreader that is worth €20 million and shall have capacity of 12,000 m3 per hour reached the final stage and once it is reviewed by the consultant and an approval obtained from the bank, the tender will be announced. We expect it to be very soon, after which appropriate procedure shall be conducted and the contract can be signed by the end of the year – says Mr. Ivoš.
As for the €45 million Coal Quality Management System, preparation of tender documentation for purchasing the equipment is now in a preliminary phase. The company “Delta Inženjering” has developed the project for Crushing Plant based on which corresponding tender documentation shall be prepared, and according to Mr. Ivoš, that job should be completed soon within the prescribed deadlines.
Let us recall that the main objective of the coal homogenization project is to make the coal a commodity of known and standardized quality both for the mines and for the thermal power plants.The introduction of the coal quality homogenization in MB “Kolubara” should make possible to optimize the combustion process in the boilers of TPPNT, which should improve efficiency and reduce environmental pollution as a consequence.
The economic and financial contribution of the implementation of coal quality management system will be manifested in both sectors, so that, according to estimates, the annual savings shall amount to €26 million per year in energy sector and 7.6 million in the mining sector, which makes a total of €36.7 of annual savings at the level of EPS. Also, it is estimated that the annual emission ofSO2will be reduced by 3,650 tons, that of NO2by 21,370 tons and CO2 by 555,350 tons, while the annual amount of ash and slag shall be reduced by 885,000 tons.
As for the project “Improvement of environmental protection in Kolubara coal basin”, for which EBRD allocates funds in the amount of €80 million,the advances were paid to the companies of “Thyssen Krupp” – for the BWE, to “Sandwick” – for the Spreader, and to “Kopex” for the Belt conveyors, while the advance payment to the company “Montprojekt”, which supplies power system, should be paid in August. Let’s not forget that this all refers to building a new ECS system for the OPM Field “C”.
-It remains now to accelerate works on the development of basic engineering for the BWE and spreader, so the building of the machines can commence as soon as possible. Hopefully the work on the basic engineering will be completed by the end of the year –concluded Mr. Ivoš for the newspaper “Kolubara”.
S. Mladenović
Source; RBK