Every second electricity kwh is produced from Kolubara lignite mines, managed by RB Kolubara company. They produced 31 billion tons of coal and invested 80 mil euro.
Kolubara produced in 2011 more than 31 billion tons of lignite which is the apsolut record in 60 years history of the company and Kolubara mines managed to secure the supply of coal to thermal power plants even the extreme cold wave in February 2012. This constant and sufficient supply to thermal power plants allowed the production of electricity and no shortages during winter period.
Kolubara invested in 80 million euro in 2011, in machines, equipment and surface coal pits management systems, from its own assets fund. They are planning to reach the investment level of 150 mil euro, 2/3 of the needed sum will come from own investment fund and the rest should come from soft loans.
According to Kolubara Director Nebojsa Ceran, the company faced challenges with equipment and financing for maintenance. Also the relocation of Vreoci came as important task. All investments were provided from own resources which came with saving plan within the company. Still Ceran reminds that the electricity price in Serbia is still one of lowest.
Reminding on project Vreoci, relocation of settlement, Ceran reminded that in case they did not managed to complete this task Serbia would face situation in which it would be forced to import 2 bill kwh of electricity which would cost 150 mil euros.
With one foreign loan Kolubara will realize one important environmental project, coal homogenization, the first such project to be implemented in EPS. We are speaking about the coal quality improvement process which will decrease the problems of mills working in power plants, but it will also decrease the emission problems and ash handling.
EBRD provided to Kolubara the loan for bagger procurement for new surface field C, in value of 80 mil euro. With this Kolubara will invest 17 mil euro additionaly for surface pit Tamnava west field also bagger to be delivered by german Krup.
This will be huge work for complete Serbian metal industry as 40% of all works in construction of new machine in value of 8 mil euro will be managed to Kolubara Metal company. Special benefit for all of us is the cooperation experience which will come in work with german Krup, stated Ceran.
Kolubara was never on the bourden of state, we are not budget beneficiary, on the contrary Kolubara is participating in state budget filling. Despite hard economical conditions and the fact that electricity Serbia produces is the lowest in region, we are managing to keep Kolubara reliable partner and to keep positive balance of Kolubara work, stated Ceran.
Source Serbia-energy.com