In the 11 months of last year hydro power plants Perućica and Piva produced 753 Gigawatt hours of electric power or 560 Gigawatt hours which is around 80 percent of plan, according to the data of Directorate for Energy Management.
At the same period thermal power plant Pljevlja produced 1.28 thousand Gigawatt hours, which is 98 percent of the plan, and according to the coordinator for the production management in the Sector for electric power trade Darko Krivokapić due to not so good hydrology during second, third and fourth quarter the deficit in the hydro power plants production was 216 Gigawatt hours of electric power
“We are expecting the hydro power plants to finish the year with production deficit of around 290 Gigawatt hours of energy, which is worth at least 10 million euro in the market” he said
The production performance will be slightly below planned, Mina business reports.
“To the Directorate for Energy Management the biggest challenge was the third quarter, because in the situation when the consumption grows rapidly due to high temperature, and with drastic decrease in the water level and planned overhauls of HPP Perućica and HPP Piva, it was very hard to provide the missing quantities of energy and at the same time to seize the moment and sell electricity at very high prices. Apart from great cooperation with production facilities, the negative effects of the draught period were reduced by sharing the risk and buying electricity on monthly, weekly and daily basis and delaying the overhaul of HPP Perućica for seven days. During the period from June to September, reliability of operation of TPP Pljevlja was 100 percent which relieved the situation in the third quarter especially in August”, Krivokapić said.
Last year until Novemeber the Directorate for Energy Management had a turnover of 1.34 thousand Gigawatt hours of electric power. They bought 898 Gigawatt hours and 442 Gigawatt hours were sold.
Compared to the same period in 2014 when the turnover was almost at the same level 1.38 thousand Gigawatt hours when 863 was bought and 544 Gigawatt hours were sold. But if we compare 2014 and last year we can tell that last year the purchase was bigger for 62 Gigawatt hours of electric power while the sale was 101 Gigawatt hour smaller said Krivokapić.
“The draught in November and not so optimistic December (regarding rain and snowfall), low water level on Zeta and Piva as well as relatively low level of accumulation, are forcing us to plan the production of hydro power plants carefully at least until the first big rain”, said Krivokapić.
According to him this year’s challenge will be the opening of electric power stock markets in Serbia, Croatia and Albania and participating in them. In the Directorate they are optimistic about this fact, because they think the stock markets will regulate the market, reduce risk, equalize the prices, connect the offer and demand in a transparent way, and facilitate work between partners.
“It is good that the prices are mildly dropping, so that the expected average price for this year will be 1 euro per Megawatt hour smaller than the average price for last year, which was 40.5 euro per Megawatt hour. The preconditions for such price movement are: normal hydrology situation, non compromised geopolitical situation, including Ukrainian – Russian, Turkish and Syrian situation as well as keeping the price fluctuation in the energy sources market and their delivery at the usual level” Krivokapić concluded, transmits