The National Authority for Energy Regulation (ANRE) estimates an increase in the number of prosumers at the end of 2022 to 30,000, which more than double compared to the end of 2021.
Given these developments, it is expected that congestion or lack of capacity for the connection of new renewable capacity to the electricity networks of distribution operators will occur, following a similar trend in the connection of renewables in the period 2012-2016 on transmission network. The emergence and formation of microgrids and local energy markets are also expected with the emergence of aggregators and energy communities.
According to a 2020-21 report, the number of prosumers at the end of 2021 amounted to 13,600 with combined installed capacity of 85 MW. The analysis shows a linear increase in the number of prosumers in the period January – September 2020, followed by a significant increase between September and December 2020, with the entry into force of the amendments regarding the increase of the installed capacity from 27 kW to 100 kW, the trend which continues in 2021.