State Secretary at the Romanian Ministry of Energy Dan Dragan said that, in 2022, a re- evaluation of the country’s National Energy- Climate Plan (PNIESC) will start, and Romania will increase its renewable energy target for 2030.
Dragan did not provide any details, but was adamant that Romania will certainly increase its RES target from current 30.7 %. Also Romania aims to build two new reactor at nuclear power plant Cernavoda and Dragan expressed hope that the European Commission will change its stance on nuclear energy, because it is quite difficult to reach our 2050 targets without natural gas and without nuclear. It is very important for Romania to build, by the middle of this decade, flexible capacities which will offer the possibility to bring more renewable energy to the grid.
However, renewable energy projects cannot be developed without the development of electricity network. It is very important that new RES capacities are located where the network allows at the moment, because the development of the network and its strengthening needs a period of time.