Repairs and overhaul projects in “Electric power industry of Serbia” this year will be under the weight of the last year huge floods. Priorities are drives that were under water and lubrication at the other plants.
Machinery maintenance in the mines of “Electric Power Industry of Serbia” will be completely different this year than last year. Due to last year’s floods EPS had to divert money to the mines that have been under water for months in which the machines are completely killed. Therefore, the year 2014th finished with a minus of 266 MEUR. So the other drives will be self – lubricated.
EPS power plants, mines and the entire distribution system will be held this season in harsh operating conditions. The damage of half a billion euros, which brought the last spring, natural disasters, and spilled also over this year, so all drives have to “be scraped”. For the first time since EPS exists, it is necessary to add a special item within the maintenance program- repairing flood damage, and only “the most essential rehabilitation” has been provided for drives that were not under water.
– Due to last year’s floods, which stopped the operation of the production system in May 2014th in open pit mines of Mining basin “Kolubara”, the plan of investment repair of production equipment for 2015th is significantly different than in previous years – say in “Kolubara”. – The priority is the rehabilitation of open pit mine “Tamnava – West field”, which was completely flooded, through the rehabilitation and repair of all machines.
The intensive and very extensive repairs on excavators, stackers, conveyor belts and other production equipment are underway in this coal mine. Also colleagues from the mine “Veliki Crljeni”, Field B and Field D were engaged as the aid. Among the regular annual outage, in April are planned the abridged annual works on the open pit mine Field D and the third stage of dry separation of Processing plant.
The problem with the overhaul of the mines is also the technical condition of equipment for the coal production. The equipment is completely different, so it is very difficult to fit it. Some machines are old 40 years, while others have been purchased a few years ago and operate according to modern parameters.