Serbian gas market is in chaotic condition still. Public Company “Srbijagas” should conclude “the rules of transport system work” with AERS, but the business has not been done yet. The approval hasn’t been gotten yet either. The group of distributors should propose distributors to get approval for “the rules of distribution system work” after that, but clearly nothing has been done so far.
Serbian Ministry of Energy should present “System access methodology” at public discussion (Methodologies for System Accession) together with other rulebooks that it hasn’t presented so far and they are in the finishing phase at the moment.
We get the impression that Resources Ministry relies on PC “Srbijagas” too much and this company doesn’t have required capacity of objective insight in the natural gas and other energy market. Experts (work groups, ministries, etc.) that worked for its authorized ministry were raised in the former PC “NIS”, which was state-owned company at the time. It is a completely different situation now, because managers represent interests of its owner and Srbijagas intends to form a gas market in accordance with its own interests within proposed regulation and AERS confronts it sometimes, only when it is needed. Therefore, everything goes so sloppy…
Altogether, we are going to be lost at this market for a very long time this way. Certain delegates have already became lobbyists at the interest of certain energy lobbies where objectivity doesn’t exist and professionalism becomes relevant, because everyone have right to discuss about something that he or she doesn’t have a clue of or have only heard some information about it. The main complain is on the dynamics of the market opening. The certain story, that cannot come true without necessary mechanisms that are not being mentioned in the public, has been repeated in the last couple of years over and over again. Commercial relations are the first subject and the second one is a popular question: who is the owner of natural gas distributions and who directs them today?
Who is actually interested in making order and respecting the certain rules her that can contribute the country? Only few Mohawks take care of public interest probably.
Certain problems on gas market are considerable in the Ministry of Resources. Gas market hasn’t been opened for years and all piled problems should be solved by Ministry now. Ministry works on preparation of bylaws that should be enforced a long time ago. Ministry of Resources says that we should take care how market will be opened, because there are a lot of companies that are not capable for market.
Source Serbia Energy/Agencies