In the Mining Basin “Kolubara” the Miners′ “Slava” /Patron Saint Day/, Saint Procopius, was celebrated on 21st July. In the Church of Holy Shroud of the Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God, in Baroševac, the Holy Liturgy and braking of the “Slava”-Cake, as well as act of honor to the miners of coal-mine “Prkosava” in Rudovci was held. The miners celebrated this day of Holy Great Martyr Procopius, protector of bees, stone cutters and miners. The host of the “Slava”was Labor Union “Open Pit Mines”.
By the celebration were present, Minister of Energy, Development and Environment, Prof. Dr. Zorana Mihajlović, Acting General Director of “Electro Power Industry of Serbia”, Aleksandar Obradović, Director of the Mining Basin “Kolubara”, Mr. Milorad Grčić with his associates, President of the Labor Union of EPS, Mr. Milan Djordjević, the President of the Labor Union “Kolubara”, Mr. Miodrag Ranković, President of the Labor Union of“Open Pit Mines”, Mr. ŽikicaDjordjević, Director of “Kolubara Usluge”/Services/, Mr. Dragan Jevtić, Director of “Kolubara Ugostiteljstvo”/Catering/, Ms. Jelena Vidaković, President of Lazarevac – Municipality”, Mr. Dragan Alimpijević, President of Ub – Municipality”,Mr. Darko Glišić, and many citizens.
On the memorial plaque in Rudovci with the names of miners-strikers of the coal mine “Prkosava” from the year 1939, the common festoon was laid by Mr. Aleksandar Obradović, Mr. Milorad Grčić and Mr.ŽikicaDjordjević. The second festoon, in the name of the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environment, laid the Minister Ms.Zorana Mihajlović, who mentioned that the State was preparing the plan in order to improve life quality of the miners working in both open pit mines and underground mines.
Mr. Obradović reminded to the obligation of EPS to maintain the system stability, and to provide finances for the future investments, adding that the Management of EPS, as well as whole Serbia, are aware of the miners’ every day effort in order to maintain electric power system.
The Director of the greatest and the most important energy company in Serbia, Mr. Grčić said:
-My congratulations on the occasion of “Slava” to all miners. I hope we will all together improve the working conditions. I think that the results on the terrain are already obvious, and I am sure we will together succeed to modernize the process, and increase the scope of production in “Kolubara”, with the aim to ensure the long year stability of ESP-energy system.
After the celebration of the feast, there was alive program from the port of Baroševac-Church in the realization of RTV-Serbia “Žikinašarenica”/Žika′s variegation/”. During this program, the hosts of “Slava”, Mr.MiodragRankovićand Mr. Milan Djordjević, recalled the mining tradition in Kolubara-Region, the hard job of miners and bigness of Mining Basin “Kolubara”, its coal is used for more than half electricity production per year in Serbia. The Minister Mihajlović emphasizes that Serbia is going to have energetic stability, and we have to utilize all resources we own in our state. Director Grčić emphasized the importance of returning the firm “Kolubara Metal” to “Kolubara”.
As it was in previous years, the Labor Union representatives of the Branch “Processing Plant” celebrated this holiday in their rooms.
On Saint Procopius Day, about 1,100 employees of “Kolubara” were awarded with some sum of money for their long years loyalty to this company.
M. Karadžić
Source; RBK