Electric Power Industry of BiH generated revenues amounting to 501, 5 MEUR and profit of 1, 6 MEUR in 2014th.
Presenting a report on the operations, Elvedin Grabovica, director general of “Electric Power BiH” has pointed out that on the company’ business results significantly influenced the fees imposed on the adoption of new laws, especially the Law on Water of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, which has created a new burden for company .
Production of 7,404 GWh of electricity in 2014th, the third time in the mandate of the current Board, has been achieved a record electricity production “Electric Power Industry of BiH” in the post-war period, said Grabovica, adding that with the growth of production, also was achieved the highest collection rate in the last 10 years.
“Electric Power Industry of BiH” purchased the coal in the amount of 5.81 million tons in 2014th.
Investments amounting to 63, 8 MEUR were realized in the activities of generation and distribution of electricity during 2014th.
In the area of capital investments have been carried out preparatory activities in view of the construction of new production facilities (making investment- technical documentation, obtaining necessary permits and approvals, conducting procedures for the award of concessions, the land expropriation, the closure of the financial structure, preparation of tender documentation).
In 2014th, all customers of “Electric Power industry of BiH” were duly supplied by electricity.
Assembly of “Electric Power Industry of BiH” has adopted the Decision on profit distribution for 2014th and the reallocation of planned funds for the recapitalization of the mines by EPBIH for 2015th within the framework of the Business Plan for the period 2015 – 2017th.
Representatives of the shareholders adopted the decision on amendments to the decision on the recapitalization by investments in subsidiaries and mines “Zenica”, “Kreka”, “Kakanj”, “Djurdjevik”, “Birch”, “Abid Lolic” and “Gracanica”. , transmits Serbia-energy.eu