“Electric Power Industry HZ HB” fulfilled the projected production plan for 2014th,on December 21st 2014th , which is 1,680 GWh of electricity.
The relatively favorable hydrological conditions and maintenance of high operational availability of hydro power plants from the manufacturing enterprise system, the expertise and commitment of operating personnel have contributed to such positive results.
It should be noted that the aggregate number 2 at HPP “Rama” has not worked during most of the year due to rehabilitation, which gives additional importance to the achieved success, particularly due to the fact that when HPP “Rama” is in operation with its two aggregates it produces about 50% of the total electricity amount annually.
As previously announced from the Board of the company, in this way were confirmed the estimates and expectations that the “HZ HB Electric Power Industry ” would also end this current business year, 2014th , with a profit of about10 MEUR.